If there is anything that can take me out of a shitty mood, it's a place like this. Discovered by a friend inbound to Boston on the commuter rail, the mill is massive and unfortunately as we later found, still under some active construction. Apparently, the mills are apart of a "green" living program started by the city of Chelsea to offer affordable loft style apartments that adhered to strict environment policy. Not sure on the specifics; I'm currently doing more research on the property. For whatever reason, construction has slowed to a crawl and I highly doubt their completion date of early 2011 will be met.
First attempt at getting in was through a high bridge, still under construction, and swinging down towards the railroad tracks below. My companion for the day is a bit of a monkey and my knees buckled at the idea. Scaling the 7 foot fence made me queasy. I do not do well with heights or security cameras. Or with the 2 construction workers that showed up later with a back ho.
As I respectively pointed out to my friend, there had to be an easier way to enter this place. How 'bout we just cut a big hole in the fence, out of sight of those who are looking for a reason to call the cops? We opted to walk through the basketball court and sliding through a less than 2 foot entrance in the fence, separating the apartment buildings and basketball court from the commuter rail tracks, which we missed by about a minute. Let's add getting running over a train to that aforementioned list. That would definitely ruin your day.

Upon further investigation, and spying on the two workers from a distance, we found a sign that said something to effect of a guard being on duty but was currently on a tour. There was a number attached, so perhaps they'd be nice enough to escort me through their building. Legal or not, I'll be back to shoot the place on my next day off. I always attempt the legal way. Makes the fear of being arrested much less of a reality. I'll be posting more information on the mill and photographs as soon as possible.
I really fell in love with this place. Since the Salem Jail has been demolished and converted into condos, I found it hard to find a place as interesting and massive. I'm psyched to return.
I love your sense of adventure & the photos, Heather. Would you like to do a session together?! I would love to!!!